Saturday, December 12, 2015

Justin Case You Gotta Clean The Closet

Minor problems here at Casa MacNaughton. We had a slab leak and the worst part was the damage wasn't enough for a complete bathroom redo. I really want to get rid of that jacuzzi tub. Anyway we did get new carpet in the master bedroom and the master bedroom closet.

I think I'm very good at de-cluttering. I especially try to follow the 1 in 1 out rule. You know - for everything you bring into the house, 1 thing must go.  HOWEVER, we ALL have room for improvement!

I Justin Cased myself!
EVERYTHING had to come out and live in the garage for a while.
Ignore Scott's pants on the top shelf. We do share part of the closet. 

Its not often you get a completely blank slate. I decided that the only things coming back in had to fit this criteria.
1. It has to fit and be comfortable.
2. It has to be in good shape, no buttons missing, not faded.
3. No duplicates (unless it black as in black pants, black shirts, work out pants, etc)
4. It has to be something I regularly wear.

And the big one
I have to LOVE it.

GIANT bags went to Goodwill. Things I still wanted to keep found other homes.

See ya, Justin Case!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Justin Case You Don't Want To Know About That Pond Scum

That Lives In Your Jacuzzi Tub!

All my fans of Justin Case know that I'm not afraid to go where no woman (okay, or man) has gone before. You saw my dishwasher, my shower make over, the gross grout in this very bathroom, and my various closets, etc.

Beware the Jacuzzi Tub! Let's take a closer look.

Not too bad, you say. But what evil lurks beneath the surface of the jet system.
FYI - I HATE that tub. We are not a bath family. The sides are too high for all but the spriest among us. It's a definite hazard when family members come to visit. And its hard to clean. Since no one uses it, water just accumulates in the holes and gets very disgusting.

"What can I do?", say I, to my good friend Google. Other people must have this problem. Maybe somewhere out there are some kind of plugs. You know, so it can be converted to a regular tub. I never really found the answer to that question however...

Who knew that I should have been regularly cleaning out the whole system????
Not me! Nope, not once in 14 years has that been cleaned  out. I do run some bleach through there every now and again but never an official cleaning product.

Yoo Hoo! Amazon! Bring it to me. 2 days later. Let's give this stuff a try.
An Aptly Named Product For Sure!
I forgot to say the drain closer doesn't close. Hello Duct Tape!

I followed the instructions on the label. Fill the tub above the jets. Turn on. Add 2-8 oz of Oh Yuk. The bottle is 16 oz. I added almost 1/2 so probably about 6 oz. Run the jets for 5-15 minutes.

This is not for the faint of heart.

After 5 minutes!!! AGH!!!! This is sooooo gross!

After 15 minutes - WE HAVE POND SCUM!

Drain and Clean!

Round 2 Slightly less disgusting, but still disturbing!

Drain and Clean again. That's enough for us drought conscience folks!
The moral of the story: The things that clean, also need to be cleaned. 

See ya, Justin Case

*Disclaimer* I was not paid to endorse the Oh Yuk Jacuzzi Tub Cleaner. I found it on Google and I highly recommend it.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Bougainvillea, Morning Glory

Justin Case you think you are lookin' pretty - Ya can't strangle out my lime tree...

Math lesson:
Limes+sugar+water=Limeade (goes great with vodka)
Limes+rum+coke=Cuba Libra
Limes+limes= Limes HAHA!

I need those limes! Therefore its time to ATTACK those vines. It doesn't look too bad on the surface but the underside of that morning glory looks like whats under a Rasta's beanie. SCARY!!!!
Oh yea... we all wonder what those dreads look like under that giant hat. 

Let's get started with the "before" pics. 
Hat, gloves, glasses...Let's go!

2 hours later

Yup! That giant pile of dead waste came from this small space!

Don't be judging on the contemporary California Tan Lawn. We ARE in a drought and the soccer star needs a place to play. No new landscape for us right now.

Beer is ALWAYS good but somehow evicting Justin Case makes it taste that much better. Oh and a shower helps too!

See ya Justin Case!